Tech Trends and Solutions

The significance of rack-level security and the danger of neglecting it.
The significance of rack-level security and the danger of neglecting it.

As data centers become crucial to business operations, racks-level security is vital for protecting sensitive data. This involves physical security, access control, and network security measures. Implementing these safeguards and having a response plan can prevent hacking, data theft, and operational disruptions.

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Can biometric attendance systems double a company's production?
system biometric attendance
Can biometric attendance systems double a company's production?

Want to make your employees happier and your business more efficient? Discover the capabilities of Norden's biometric attendance systems.

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Unparalleled protection with these smart locks from Norden
smart locks norden
Unparalleled protection with these smart locks from Norden

Goodbye to lost keys! Norden's biometric smart locks provide easy entry and complete security using your fingerprint, voice, or even iris.

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10 principles of information security to protect your organization from hacking
cyber security hacking
10 principles of information security to protect your organization from hacking

"Implementing the CIA terminology makes your company strong and capable of facing most threats

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The 6 most important benefits of a smart home, including controlling your daily habits
smart home
The 6 most important benefits of a smart home, including controlling your daily habits

Is it time to upgrade your home? Explore the world of smart homes with El Kayan Technology.

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The best global smart surveillance systems now in Egypt
smart surveillance systems egypt camera AI
The best global smart surveillance systems now in Egypt

Discover the latest surveillance technologies with high-resolution cameras featuring motion detection, face recognition, vehicle recognition, and more.

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Top 5 advantages of using fiber optic cables
Fiber Optic كابلات ألياف بصريه ثورة التكنولوجيا
Top 5 advantages of using fiber optic cables

Fiber optic revolution : Say goodbye to slow internet & data breaches

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Pros and cons of using thermal cameras
thermal camera
Pros and cons of using thermal cameras

Thermal Imaging Cameras: Surveillance Revolution or Limited Technology?

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