Unparalleled protection with these smart locks from Norden

Unparalleled protection with these smart locks from Norden

Focusing on security and safety has become more important than ever, so innovation was the path of Norden International to manufacture locks based on biometrics, such as voice print, iris, or fingerprint, to reach high levels of security that reach the point of ideal.

The importance of having a smart lock in your home or organization

➡️ Access to actual security, as every human being has a unique fingerprint, so the possibility of unauthorized access is reduced, and the safety of property is increased.
➡️ Extreme comfort, as you will no longer have to worry about forgetting the keys or saving the codes. It is just a touch or a look.
➡️ Accurate user management, as the installed system can recognize and remember people, allowing ad hoc or previously programmed access.

➡️ Multi-use applications and the strength of steel, from private residences to companies to sensitive and important places. Different versions can suit all uses. They can be controlled through a mobile phone. The smart lock is provided with an external structure of very durable steel to increase solidity and safety.

📝 Summary

As we move in a world in which security has become very complex, a new type of smart locks must be issued, and this has always been Norden’s way to reach the best innovations in protection technology and the security of information and property. Biometric smart locks combine uniqueness that cannot be replicated with solidity and flexibility to suit all uses. And applications. We at Entity Technology offer the latest protection technologies for smart locks. They not only represent a good choice, but a leap towards a safer and more advanced world.